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Rail Freight
Scope of services
FCL Import And Export Service
LCL Export Service
LCL Import Service
Door To Door Service
Service Advantage
The China-Europe train service is gradually becoming one of the mainstream transportation methods for goods between China and Central Asia, China Europe, and China and Russia. The line directly covers Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Spain, Russia and other countries. Intermodal services extend to any inland city and network.
Provide nationwide FCL door-to-door shipping sites including:
Xi'an - Mara / Hamburg / Duisburg / Prague / Budapest / Almaty / Tashkent
Zhengzhou - Mara / Hamburg / Helsinki / Moscow / Minsk / Almaty / Tashkent Hefei - Mara / Hamburg / Duisburg / Helsinki
Chengdu - Mara / Lodz / Tilburg / Nuremberg / Moscow / Minsk
Chongqing - Yimara/Hamburg/Duisburg/Moscow/Minsk
Shenzhen - Mara / Hamburg / Duisburg Dongguan - Almaty / Tashkent.
LCL export service: provide one-stop service for customs clearance, customs transit and delivery.
Departure station: Chengdu/Chongqing/Hefei/Zhengzhou/Xi'an, etc. can pick up the goods nationwide
Destination: Warsaw, Poland/Hamburg, Germany/Duisburg, Germany/Tilburg, Netherlands/London, England/Helsinki, Finland/Oslo, Norway/Milan, Italy/Prague, Czech Republic/Budapest, Hungary/Moscow, Russia.
Fixed LCL import service, door-to-door service throughout Europe.
Departure Station: Warsaw, Poland / Hamburg, Germany / Duisburg, Germany
Destination: Chengdu/Chongqing/Xi'an/Hefei, dispatched to the whole country.
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